lauantai 28. kesäkuuta 2014

Here's one interesting quote about gold price in the future. Jim Rickards increases his gold price forecast to $9,000 in his book “The Death Of Money”. That's quite high target(!), but well - I trust he could be right. Here is the quote from the book:

 "My intermediate price target hasn’t change anything. I got a $7,000 an ounce [in my previous book], or an $9,000 an ounce in my new book. It could go down a bit first, but it will go up eventually. Gold is really the inverse of the collapse of confidence in the dollar. The best correlation with gold is not with the stock market but inversely with the dollar. If the dollar goes close to zero because of a loss of confidence, gold is theoretically be infinite. I see gold going much higher and the central banks will have to turn to gold to restore confidence."